for 5 Generations

Every day, year and generation, we pass on the commitment and love for our work and we try to pass it on to you through our product.

our company

Who We Are

Olivastraia Frantoio Stanghellini is a company located in Metalliferous Hills of upper Tuscany in Maremma which is handed down from father to son and it is currently now in its fifth generation.

Entirely family-run, we personally take care of every task: from care of fields consisting of 5000 plants, to harvest of olives, passing through production of oil by crushing olives in our mill up to direct sale in our store and to personal care (no online shop) of orders for Italy, UE and ExtraUE.

discover our products

Our Products

Our 5000 olive trees produce excellent products such as the award-winning EVO oil or Millenium Olivastraia.

discover our services

Our Services

We take care of our customers personally.

Tasting of our products						

We offer a free tasting in our direct sales point.

We ship our products

We ship our products to Italy in Europe and Extra Europe.


Olive trees


Liters of Oil Produced

Contact Information

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